Tiny Voice Talks Education
Tiny Voice Talks Education is an educational podcast that gives a platform to the quieter voices in the profession. In it, Toria chats to teachers, leaders, authors and coaches about what they are doing in the field of education and how that is impacting on the young people in our classrooms.
Tiny Voice Talks Education
Phonics with John Walker
In this episode, Toria talks to John Walker the director and co-author (with Susan Case and David Philpot) of Sounds-Write all about phonics and its place in the classroom. John believes that good phonics spirals - recycling the information that has already been taught through reading, writing and spelling.
John has been a qualified teacher, university lecturer and teacher trainer for over thirty years, teaching English language and literature in many different countries and settings. He is a graduate of the University of Sussex and holds master degrees from the Universities of Sussex and Warwick. He is qualified in the teaching of English as a foreign language and holds an advanced certificate in English language teaching from the University of Edinburgh.
He trains teaching practitioners in Sounds-Write and promotes the Sounds-Write programme in schools and other educational institutions across the world. In addition, he was an associate lecturer for the Open University, teaching on Discovering English and Children’s Literature, in addition to several early years courses.
John is an enthusiastic edu-blogger, who posts regularly on all aspects of literacy teaching at his site theliteracyblog.com.
Useful links
John Walker - Twitter
Diane's book that John mentioned - Early Reading Instruction
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