Tiny Voice Talks Education

Tiny Voices Talk with Ian Gilbert

Toria Bono Season 5 Episode 16

In this episode Toria chats to Ian about her upcoming book 'Tiny Voices Talk'. As you will hear, Ian has been instrumental in helping Toria to realise her dream of creating a book that lifts more 'tiny voices' up.
Ian Gilbert is an award-winning educational author, editor, entrepreneur, speaker and innovator currently based in the Netherlands and Wales after living and working in Hong Kong, Chile, Dubai and the UK. He founded the UK-based pioneering educational organisation Independent Thinking in 2004 and is happiest, he says, when he is making people's brains hurt.

To get hold of a copy of Tiny Voices Talk order here - https://www.independentthinkingpress.com/books/teachingskills/tiny-voices-talk/ and if use the code ITL25 you’ll get a 25% discount! 

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If you would like a copy of the Tiny Voices Talk book with 30% off go to www.crownhouse.co.uk or www.independentthinkingpress.com and use the code TINY30.

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