Tiny Voice Talks Education
Tiny Voice Talks Education is an educational podcast that gives a platform to the quieter voices in the profession. In it, Toria chats to teachers, leaders, authors and coaches about what they are doing in the field of education and how that is impacting on the young people in our classrooms.
Tiny Voice Talks Education
Questioning with Ross McGill
In this episode, Toria talks to Ross about what questioning is, why it is so important and what makes a great question in the classroom. As they discuss, questioning can be widely misunderstood and not enough teachers have been given sound training in the art of questioning. Over the course of their conversation, they also discuss cognitive science and the power of the pause!
Ross has recently written his eleventh book 'The Teacher Toolkit Guide to Questioning - Turning theory into practice' for primary or secondary teachers looking to understand the importance of questioning to challenge thinking, check understanding, identify gaps in knowledge, improve recall and stimulate intellectual curiosity.
Over the course of the conversation, Toria and Ross refer to various QR codes and a questioning matrix - click below to see what they are referring to -
A recording of the introduction of the book
Questioning culture
Month by month questioning culture
To get a copy of this book or any of Ross' other books click here - https://www.teachertoolkit.co.uk/books/
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If you would like to find out more about Tiny Voice Talks Coaching with Toria then email her on toria@tinyvoicetalks.com
If you would like a copy of the Tiny Voices Talk book with 30% off go to www.crownhouse.co.uk or www.independentthinkingpress.com and use the code TINY30.